Features of the platform
The ReMaP platform allows to develop and validate new control concepts and components in a seamless process from a pure software environment – the Simulation framework – to a hardware environment – the Control framework. At present the hardware enviroment uses two existing research and development platforms: the Energy System Integration (ESI) platform at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and the ehub Platform (including NEST and move) at the Swiss Federal Laboratory for Materials Science and Technology (Empa).
The Simulation framework features a selection of component models, control algorithms and an archive of demand and renewable generation data. The software is highly modular and open for the addition of new models and data. It is used to build a digital twin of an arbitrary energy system, that can be used to test a new control strategy. A possible example is shown below: a PV generation profile is taken from the archive. The generation has to be properly managed with the help of a battery, a heat pump and a thermal storage to serve the demand for electricity and heat. A Model-Predictive-Control (MPC) algorithm shall be developed and tested that maximizes self consumption.
Once the controller works satisfactorily, the process transitions from a pure simulation to a combination of simulation and real hardware operation – a Hardware in the Loop (HIL) approach. Via the Control framework, a PV installation at the ESI platform and a heat pump with a thermal storage at the ehub platform are combined and operated in real time, while the battery is still simulated.
Once the control algorithms proves to operate efficiently and safely, the next step to a real on site demonstration can be done. The ReMaP platform allows therefore to minimize the risks that are inherent in the transition towards a highly integrated and coupled multi-energy system.
The Control framework is being developed in close collaboration with industrial partners. This ensures the necessary security measures that are needed when systems operate jointly via the internet. Smart Grid Solutions, in close collaboration with Super Computing Systems, is responsible for the development of the platform infrastructure and the connections to ESI at PSI and ehub at Empa. Adaptricity is primarily responsible for simulations of distribution grids. National Instruments assists with its broad know-how in control, measurements, and simulations as well as hardware.
Collaborating closely with industrial partners is crucial to the success of the project. If you are interested in discussing a collaboration, please contact the ReMaP project manager, Dr. Gianfranco Guidati.